![]() Meet our Global Ambassador Taryn Lee Harrington Our Global Head of Marketing, Gavin Aley, gave a glowing introduction to Taryn Lee Harrington, the new Global Ambassador for women in Healy World. Taryn herself was introduced into the industry by friends and was overwhelmed by the vast opportunities for women that she had not been aware of. Asked by Gavin about her female career influences, Taryn replied that growing up with a single mother and three sisters were huge influences. Also, mother earth, representing female aspects such as care, nutrition and home, is a source of inspiration that makes Taryn most appropriate as our global ambassador! Taryn is enthusiastic about the Healy because it is an ideal device for women to be financially successful in a still male-dominated business world. She’s already planning all sorts of wonderful initiatives. We will keep you in the loop about that! Read and live the “must do” actions for women (and men) recommended by Taryn: 1. Right now, it is very much business as usual – FOCUS and GROW 2. Grow and build your belief in YOURSELF 3. Build a PERSONAL BRAND 4. Fall in love with IGA (Income Generating Activity) 5. Raise your VIBRATION and HONOR your energy More success with the power-play duplication model in our compensation plan. Here's how: Bronze-Qualification
Silver Qualification
The Video of our Power Play Duplication Model! Watch now
https://youtu.be/wBCjtdg3xIE Power Players Dance the Healy Hustle - Join Us! Celebrating power play successes together. For example, with the Healy Hustle. Get together with your members and dance the Healy Hustle with them. Share your joy and creativity with us and all other Healy Members worldwide and post your dance video on Facebook under the hashtag #healyhustle. Have fun! https://youtu.be/zoAB2CGMbg8 HEALY WATCH: Promotion extended until August 31st, 2021: Get your Healy Watch, Including a 3-months Watch Connector Module Subscription for Free! You can find out what you need to do here. There are two options: Option 1 – Buy It Yourself Members and customers receive a Healy Watch including a 3-months Subscription to the Watch Connector Module for free for the purchase of one of the following Healy Editions:
Option 2 – Sell embers who sell 3 of the following Healy Editions:
This promotion does not apply to India. We will keep our Independent Healy World Members updated when the promotion starts in India. Healy Watch Challenge extended until August 31, 2021 – win an exclusive webinar on HRV function with Marcus Schmieke and Dr. Folker Meißner. Our heartbeat is one of our most important frequencies. The time interval between heartbeats, the heart rate variability (HRV), should always be in balance. Regular HRV measurement is especially beneficial if in combination with the Healy, the corresponding IMF programs (Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies) are recommended and applied. Join our Healy Watch Challenge and get to know your body better. This is how it works:
HEALY WORLD FACEBOOK GRUPPE In parallel with the Challenge, a study with 300 participants started. A Bioenergetic Rhythm Analysis (BRA) is measured daily in the morning for 7.5 minutes with the Healy Watch and then the recommended Healy programs will be applied. https://www.facebook.com/groups/763455937660696/ We wish you continued fun and success with the Healy. Best regards, Your Healy World Team Comments are closed.
HealyCorrespondence from Healy Corporate Archives
September 2021